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Detalii tehnice

Valori determinate

Temperatura solului, Umiditatea solului, Conductivitatea


Monitorizarea salinitatii solului

Optimizarea irigarii

Monitorizarea pe termen lung a umiditatii din sol

Previzionarea momentului de semanat

Previzionarea momentul optim de recoltare

Anticiparea momentului de atac al bolilor si daunatorilor, la nivelul fiecarei culturi, bazata pe modele matematice



Specificatii tehnice

Protectie IP68

Alimentare baterii cu Litiu 3.6V 14500/2600 mAh

Consum <3.5uA in modul standby, 80mA in modul transmitere date

Durata de viata a bateriei: 12.000 de transmisii de date

Standard IoT: SigFox, LoRaWan, NB-IoT

Dimensiuni: 107 x 65 x 33 mm

Greutate: 120 g

Antena: Helical, 2dBi

Distanta emitere radio: aprox 45 km in conditii de camp deschis


Technical data – soil sensor teros 12 wire type



Temperature, Soil moisture, Electrical conductivity



Electrical soil conductivity (bulk EC) - total soil, water and air conductivity. To complete our real-time monitoring of the soil, we add monitoring of salt in the soil due to fertilization. Soil sensor is a device designed to measure soil salinity at a depth given by inserting the sensor into soil. Method of measurement is based on bulk electrical conductivity of the soil (dS / m), eliminates several side-effects that could distort measured values. The thermometer is an integral part of the measuring probe, and the sensor is made of a very durable material to withstand unfavorable outdoor conditions.


● Monitoring the amount of salt in the soil due to fertilization

● Irrigation optimization

● Long-term monitoring of soil moisture

● Prediction of sowing or harvesting suitability

● Prediction of diseases incidence and pests for individual crops, based on mathematical model



Technical data

  • Degree of protection: IP68

  • Power: 3.6V Lithium battery 14500/2600mAh, 2 batteries slot

  • Consumption: < 3,5uA in stand by mode / 80mA broadcasting

  • Battery lifetime: cca 12 000 broadcasting (1 hour interval)

  • IoT standards: SigFox, LoRaWan, NB-IoT

  • Frequency zone: SigFox(868 Mhz), LoRaWan(863-870 MHz), NB-IoT(800 MHz)

  • Dimensions: 107 x 65 x 33 – radio unit, case included

  • Weight: 120g

  • Temperature/humidity/salinity: METER

  • Antenna: Helical, 2dBi or external 2 to 3dBi

Range of radio communication: Approx. 45km outdoor

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